Today I cooked for the first time EVER! I made apricot chicken, mashed potatoes (all made from scratch- including the apricot dressing), and super yummy brownies (Ghiradelli brownie mix). I wish I took pictures, but I didn't. Haha
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
A picture's worth a thousand words
Anthropolgie has the coolest home decor and paraphernalia EVER! Check out this Minox Leica Digital Camera (this link is to the Orvis website, not Anthropologie) but they're selling it in white at Anthropologie. Also, they have the neatest iPOD dock ever! Haha if I could buy all of this stuff, my room would be full!
One man's trash is another man's treasure
As I told you before, my family is having a garage sale. That means that I got to rummage through my mom's jewlery! She gave me quite a number of pretty pieces. My favorite is the heart watch/necklace! The clock face seems upside down to an on-looker, but to the person wearing it, it's right side up! Isn't that creative?!
All locked up
I was spacing out and staring at a map of America in earth science class when I noticed that I've only lived on the east coast all my life. I've never ever lived in a land-locked state. I wonder what it would be like: no beach! What do you swim in? Where do you watch sunsets and have picnics? Please tell me! I wish I could live in a lad-locked state just to see what he weaher's like. I bet it's not humid and warm, hot, blazing like it is here in dumb, old Florida. If only I lived somewhere else.
Oh! Also, there was a gorgeous rainbow that came and went with the sunrise this morning aroun 6:30! I boosted the color so you can see it better.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Did You Know I'm an Adeventurer?
Today I went to the beachwith my friends. A hurricane was passing by close to the coast, so the sky was a beautiful grey-blue. We explored deep into the mangroves and caught crabs with our hands. I really regret not bringing my camera. The mangroves seemed so magical. It was probably the way the liight was streaming through, but it's so hard to explain. Pictures really are worth a thousand words!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
This weekend is busy, but today I went to an art show! It was great, but small. There's another one next weekend and also a big one on 5th avenue around New Years day. I also went shopping at the outlet mall by the art show and bought a cute headband at Tommy Hilfiger. That's pretty much all that's happened. I'm going to take the rest of the time to catch up on some of the great blogs that I'm following.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Shiny Sequins

Today I decided to wear my favorite t-shirt from Forever 21. It's not much of an outfit, but I just wanted to show off my new shirt! I love how the sequins shined and gleamed in the sunlight. I'm also so happy I bought it! It's one of a kind, plus the black sequined bow tie is a pin that came with it, so I can take it off of that shirt and use it in so many other outfits! It was only like 11 or 12 dollars which is amazingly cheap compared to the prices of other stores. I've noticed that I'm usually a walking ad for Forever 21.Whenever someone asks me where I got an article of clothing, I usually say Forever 21, and they roll their eyes and say "As usual!" or "I could've guessed." ha ha.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Another thing from Anthropologie are their Svalbard Socks. They're colorful Scandinavian socks with cute sweet little pom-poms on the back. I would absolutely love to own these socks and I would love even more to be able to work them into a kooky, crazy outfit!

p.s. I'm getting my hair cut on Friday right after school!
Decisions, Decisions
Today it took me 40 minutes to get dressed for school! That's a pretty long time for me. It took me forever to decide what I wanted to wear. At first I wanted to wear my favorite floral skirt from Forever 21, but I couldn't find it. I' one of those people that if I find out that something is missing, I have to find it, otherwise I'll go crazy and I won't be able to think of anything else except that one missing object. After 30 minutes of looking (I was still in my pajamas), I asked my mom if she had seen it and it ends up that it's in the wash! So I only had 10 minutes to get dressed and eat. I was deciding between two outfits- both of the tops are from Forever 21.
yellow blouse- Forever 21 . skinny jeans- dELiA*s

paisley tunic- Forever 21 . brown leather schoolbag- Forever 21 . braided leather belt- dELiA*s
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Forever 21 Forever
I was just looking on Forever 21's website, and I figured out that Forever 21 is pretty much the best store ever (besides H&M, but we don't have any of those in Florida). I say this because after you rummage through the expansive racks of clothes, you can always find something amazing and unique that no one else has! It's also super affordable! I don't like shopping there with friends because I like to take my time to over look every rack of clothing and I have yet to find a friend that is as diligent and patient as I. Next time I go there I'm on a mission to find two specific articles of clothing, and some new accessories.
Here are the two items I'd like to buy:
Woven Floral Elastic Skirt $17.80 - Forever21
Here are the two items I'd like to buy:

Pleated Satin Shorts $19.80- Forever21

My New Dress!

Today I wore my brand new black, blue, gray, and purple dress that I bought last week! I was so excited to wear it because I had the perfect shoes to match it, but what I didn't know is that I don't have the right accessories for it. The dress has a black torso and high-waisted skirt. I feel like I needed a different necklace other than the one I wore, although I did like the length of the chain. I don't know. I just don't have very many accessories right now. I definitely need more bracelets and earrings. I really really hate the bracelet I have on in this picture because it's small and practically invisible. Ha ha. It's ok, I'm still learning! But PLEASE COMMENT to help me out :) tell me what i should've done and should've added!
I just recently sent in an "application" or whatever you want to call it, to Look Book, but I don't think I'll get "accepted" considering the fact that i accidentally forgot to type a description about what I "can bring to Look Book". I woder how long it takes to get an answer.....
Monday, November 2, 2009
Books A Million

My family is going to have a garage sale soon, so my mom made me go through all of the books in our office. After completely demolishing the four big shelves of the book case and making a total mess of the office, I found a few of my old favorites. I decided to keep some of them. Some of the ones I'm keeping are: Where the Sidewalk Ends, Falling Up, Angelina and Alice (because I love the colors of the book cover), and A Short Guide to Happiness. I haven't read A Short Guide to Happiness yet, but I'm excited to start reading it because of the sole reason that I like the title. Unlike the other books, it is for teens and adults rather than children 10 and under. Ha ha. I'm also very excited to say that I've found one of my all-time favorite books: The Little Book for Girls. My aunts gave it to me in December of 2003 (or so the note inside it says). It's full of literary excerpts, poems, songs, activities, recipies, facts, etc. Also, all of the pictures in it make the book look like an antique, which makes me love it that much more!
series of unfortunate events
So I've been thinking: I'm long over due for a haircut, and I have a horrifying habit of poking at blackheads on my forehead which leads to scars and really isn't good at all (you really don't need to know this, but still). I've also been thinking of getting a new style for my hair, so I was thinking of getting full bangs [you know what I mean, like Rebecca's hair from The Clothes Horse] for two reasons: 1) i just think they'll look cool, and 2) to hopefully prevent poking. My good friend, Meghan thinks I'll look stupid, but I say: Don't knock it 'til you try it! I think I'm going to get full bangs. Worst case, they don't look good and I clip them back until they grow out!
I am writing this (in pink) an hour or two after i wrote that (in black): My mom said I can get bangs when I get my haircut!!! I'm absolutely so excited! I'm just dreading Meghan's rude comments about how stupid, weird, or ugly I look with bangs. She's so critical.
I am writing this (in pink) an hour or two after i wrote that (in black): My mom said I can get bangs when I get my haircut!!! I'm absolutely so excited! I'm just dreading Meghan's rude comments about how stupid, weird, or ugly I look with bangs. She's so critical.
hair style,
The Clothes Horse
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Grandma's Birthday
My grandparents came over our house to celebrate my grandma's birthday. It turns out that old people can be pretty funny! My granparent's brought along their friends, Pat and Phil. Pat walked in the door and turned to my good friend, Meghan (thinking Meghan was me) and said: "Oh my! You've gained weight!" Yes, Meghan is a bit bigger than me. Although slightly embarassed; she looked at me and began cracking up. That's not all that happened though. Ater my grandparents left the house, the doorball rang. It was my grandma. In her hands was the decorative tray we keep on the ottoman. It ends up that my grandma told my grandpa to take "the box" (reffering to her present). He thought that the tray was "the box" that she was reffering to, so he loaded it into their trunk and drove down the street until my grandma noticed!
A Little Introduction
I'm hoping my other posts will be a thousand times more interesting than this, but i think that i should probably introduce myself first. I'm in my teens, my nickname is Gecko (you can call me that if you like, or not haha) I'm an aspiring photographer, I love volleyball (most of the time), I live in a hot and boring suburban town, I've recently been trying to delve deeper into the world of fashion, and finally- being individual is very important to me. That's almost all you need to know, but if i think of anything else, you'll probably figure it out in the future.
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